Nakusp Early Learning Childcare Centre


NELCC offers two main programs: Multi-Age (0-5 years) and After School Care.

Multi-Age (0-5 years)

At NELCCC, we offer an early learning school-based program specially designed for our young learners to develop and grow in a caring community setting.  

Our Early Childhood Educators

Our early childhood educators have a wealth of experience and will be caring for and working with your child at NELCCC: We believe in providing care which provides strong securely attached relationships, so your child can thrive and grow and explore his or her world confidently.

NELCCC: Where Learning Happens

At the NELCCC, we align our practices with the Early Learning Framework: we focus on relationships, caring community, and enhancing social- emotional well-being as children learn and develop through play-based activities. You can find out more information on the Early Learning Framework here. In this document, you can discover more about Pedagogical Narration which our educators will use by listening and observing children, and making their learning visible.  Your educator will share learning stories, pictures, and moments that educators observe in class with you. We welcome your engagement: please enter the conversation and add comments and feedback. 

Fee Payment

Nakusp Early Learning Childcare Centre’s fees are payable in advance and are due on the first of each month.  If your child starts the program midmonth, fees will be prorated accordingly. Prorated fees plus the first full month’s fees are payable upon confirmation of registration.  For those people applying for the Affordable Childcare Benefit, your first month’s payment will be withdrawn when we receive notification of your subsidy amount. Processing the ACCB typically takes 3-4 weeks. You are responsible for the full tuition payment if the ACCB fee reduction application is not submitted and received back in 4 weeks from this email.

For regular, monthly payment of childcare and after-school programs, the Pre-Authorized Payment Agreement must be signed and submitted along with a VOID cheque. 

For daytime 0-5 years childcare programs, monthly fees are averaged over the whole year, and thus fees for the months with breaks (August and December) are at the same rate.   Monthly fees for all ages are $600 per month for full time M-F care. Rates are subject to change at any time. Email the NELCCC Manager for current fees. 

The amount of your pre-authorized payments will be reduced to account for any Affordable Child Care Benefit funding you receive once confirmation of your eligibility and amount is received.

Our staff will work with families to accommodate payment plans, but in the event of repeated outstanding balances, failure to communicate with staff or follow through with payment agreements, suspension of service may occur. This policy is subject to change to best meet the operational needs of the program.

How to Contact Us

Our primary mode of communication is through the Procare App.  I have sent a link inviting you to download the Procare childcare app to your phone or tablet.  Please follow the link prior to our meet and greet as we will learn how to use the app then. 

You are also welcome to phone the childcare centre at: 778.943.1412 or call my cell phone at 778-214-6641.  Our email address is Feel free to reach out at any time if you have any questions.

How to Prepare for Your Child’s First Day

We will tailor a gradual entry process to your child’s needs.  A typical 1-3 year old gradual entry schedule would look like this:

Day 1: The child joins in the morning for 1 hour with a parent
Day 2: The child joins in the morning for 1 ½-2 ½ hours with a parent. A parent would leave the room from time to time as the child feels comfortable.
Day 3: As per Day 2, but the child joins over the lunch break and attempts a nap. 
Day 4: A repeat of day 3
Day 5 to 10: According to the child’s success in being alone in the classroom, the parent increases her/his time in and out of the classroom. We have a staff room for parents to work or relax during these times. Amount of time out of the classroom can be determined in conversation with your educator.  

A typical 3-5 year old gradual entry schedule would look like this:

Day 1: Child joins with the parent for a full morning
Day 2: Child joins with the parent for a full afternoon including eating lunch
Day 3: Parent attempts to say goodbye at the door. Child stays 2-3 hours including lunch and a nap.
Day 4- A repeat of day 3
Day 5- A full day alone.

You know your child best, so think through your child’s needs, and we will discuss your child’s individualized plan at the session. If your child has experience in a daycare setting, *** may not need to have as extensive an entry process.

Your Child’s First Day of Childcare

Please pack snacks, a healthy lunch, a water bottle and any other drinks your child is used to having.

Extra Clothes:  Please bring a set of extra clothes to our first day of childcare.  We would ask that you place the extra clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag.  They will be used in case of accidents or spills and stored in the bathroom for ease of changing your child.  (Clothes should include a pair of pants, shirt, socks, and underwear.)

Diapers etc.: Please bring extra diapers, cream, wipes and other supplies for your child’s changing routine.  We can discuss this further at the meet and greet.

Registration Documentation: 

A reminder that if you have not yet sent your immunization records, please call the health unit and ask them to fax them to: 250-265-2305 to meet our licensing requirements.

All required information on the registration form must be complete before your child can attend the program. This is a mandatory requirement, as noted in the Child Care Licensing Regulations. We will review your file and request any additional information at the meet and greet. 

Please ensure you have read our NELCCC Handbook and understand all policies and procedures. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect with us. 

All About Our Day

Each day children will have a choice of play and creative activities combined with facilitated group activities that build on each child’s competencies. The schedule will change each day, as various learning projects and activities evolve, and as student and group interests are identified. 

A typical day will look like this, but will be flexible to meet the needs of individual children:

8:00-9:30amWelcome, activities/toys for free play exploration or crafting, rotation of “centers” 
9:30-9:45amBathroom break, wash up
9:45-10:05amSnack Time
10:05-10:30amCircle Time – singing, stories, shapes, colours, ABCs
10:30-12:00pmOutside time- active play, free exploration, physical activities
12:00-12:30pmLunch time
12:30-2:30pmAfternoon nap, or quiet time with individual activities such as puzzles, lego, audio and learning books
2:45-5:00pmCraft time, free play inside / outside
5:00pmGoodbyes and day concludes.

After School Program

At NELCCC, we offer early learning After School, Pro-D Day, Spring and Summer Break programs specially designed for our learners to relax, play, develop, and grow in a caring community setting.  

To apply for After School Care, register here: 

To apply for Spring/Summer Break or Pro-D Days, email and ask for a link.

All About Our Day

Each day children will have a choice of play and creative activities combined with facilitated group activities that build on each child’s competencies. The schedule will change each day, as various learning projects and activities evolve, and as student and group interests are identified. 

Rest and free play, either inside or outside will be first on the agenda after a busy day at school.  This may include building with Lego, Kiva blocks, doll houses, dress up or other toys, outdoor free play in the forest, board games, or even foosball or air hockey. Next, our leader will provide a planned activity whether outdoor games, science experiments, arts and crafts, music activities, Lego robotics, or drama.  Free play and clean up will round out the afternoon before pick up.  

NELCCC: Where Learning Happens

At the NELCCC, we align our practices with the Early Learning Framework: we focus on relationships, caring community, and enhancing social- emotional well-being as children learn and develop through play-based activities. We welcome your engagement with us at the centre: please reach out with your comments and feedback. 

Fee Payment

Nakusp Early Learning Childcare Centre’s fees are payable in advance and are due on the first of each month.  If your child starts the program midmonth, fees will be prorated accordingly. Prorated fees plus the first full month’s fees are payable upon confirmation of registration.  If your child attends on February 27 or 28, your fees will be prorated and included with the March payment.  

For regular, monthly payment of after-school childcare, the Pre-Authorized Payment Agreement must be signed and submitted along with a VOID cheque. 

For After School Care, Monthly fees are $315 per month per child for full time M-F care. If you choose one day per month, each day is $70 per month (ex. Tuesday and Thursday would cost 2x$70 or $140). Pro-D and Spring/Summer Break fees are $36 per day. Rates are subject to change at any time. Email the NELCCC Manager for current fees. 

Our staff will work with families to accommodate payment plans, but in the event of repeated outstanding balances, failure to communicate with staff or follow through with payment agreements, suspension of service may occur. This policy is subject to change to best meet the operational needs of the program.

How to Prepare for our Programs
  • Please pack a healthy lunch, snacks, and a water bottle
  • Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather: a hat and cool clothing if it is hot; a rain coat if the weather looks soggy, etc.
  • For summer programs, please bring a swimsuit and towel for water play
  • Please apply sunscreen before arriving if necessary.
  • Registration Documentation: If you haven’t already, please fill out the registration form. 
  • Please ensure you have read our NELCCC Handbook and understand all policies and procedures. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect with us. 
  • Extra Clothes:  If your child is between the ages of 5 and 7, please send along a set of extra clothes to our first day. Please place the extra clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag.  They will be used in case of accidents or spills. (Clothes should include a pair of pants, shirt, socks, and underwear.)

We are looking forward to serving your family’s childcare needs!