At NELCCC, we are committed to providing high quality care for the children and families in the Nakusp and surrounding communities from infancy through to age 12, in a safe and enriching learning environment that fosters positive and supportive relationships and a sense of belonging. We recognize that learning is both an individual and social process and our Centre will provide inclusive programming that will support all children and their families, encouraging children to be unique, strong, and resilient, to grow at their own pace and to develop to their full potential.
The Nakusp Early Learning Childcare Centre is a child-centered, parent-engaged, childcare hub located at Nakusp Elementary School and operated by School District 10 (Arrow Lakes). The Centre opened in Spring 2023. It was designed to operate up to two multi-age programs (0-5 years), 8 spaces each, an infant and toddler program for up to 8 children (0-36 months), and an after/before school childcare program, 24-30 spaces each (5-12 years).
The BC Early Learning Framework, First People’s Principles of Learning and evidence-informed early learning program pedagogies and goals, including a Reggio Emilia inspired approach, will be used to guide our programs to nurture the whole child.
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide childcare programming that will be a cornerstone for the small remote and rural community of Nakusp and surrounding areas with rich early learning experiences that will enhance the growth, development, and well-being of all our early and school aged learners and their families. Integrating place-conscious, hands-on and experiential learning into engaging and innovative activities are core aspects of achieving our vision. Children will enjoy an abundance of outdoor, physical and artistic play-based learning experiences.
Childcare operations are conducted in alignment with School District 10 Board Policies, Vision and Mission Statement.

Childcare Program Details
Our Centre offers both structured and unstructured play-based learning opportunities infused with SD10’s signature pedagogies of place-conscious, and outdoor learning, and offers full spectrum learning and development in intellectual, emotional, social and language areas.
Our Centre recognizes the importance of early learning and how it contributes and guides young people in developing a sense of self, a healthy spirit of adventure, respectful relationships, and character as a learner, helping to lay the foundation for the rest of their lives.
Social-emotional development of children is at the forefront of programming to ensure children are developing a positive sense of self, peers and staff, are able to express positive and negative feelings in appropriate ways and are experiencing social interactions that help develop appropriate social relationship skills. Singing, dancing, active play, self-expression through visual arts, dramatic play, literacies, puppetry, storytelling, science, exploring, and playing with natural materials and loose parts are woven throughout the program.
Developmentally appropriate activities, games, challenges, play structures, toys, books, and materials will stimulate the children’s natural curiosity, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Life skills such as cooking, gardening, and working with tools will be learned through active play and the provisions of purposeful toys at a variety of centres. A healthy balance of indoor and outdoor physical activities will be scheduled to ensure the development of critical motor skills, safety habits, and self-help skills. Children will be guided through Indigenous programming and explorations of other cultures and languages. An appreciation of diversity and uniqueness will be celebrated as part of programming and the provisions of the Centre’s resources.
The facility has multiple indoor and outdoor spaces for group play-based learning, quiet independent play and learning, and for resting or sleeping.
Inclusive Approach
Children with diverse abilities will have their needs assessed as required by the appropriate healthcare and education professionals. Families and professional consultants (i.e., occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, behavioural consultants, pediatricians, etc.) will meet with the centre’s educators to assess needs and develop individualized care and learning plans.
Sensory needs of diverse learners are accommodated through the provision of good quality sustainably made products, and/or upcycled furnishings in calming colours, purchased through reputable equipment and furniture sources.
The Centre will utilize well-established networks, existing resources such as the Inclusive Childcare Toolkit, and the plethora of highly trained and skilled professionals that already work with the school district to support and create greater opportunities for our students with diverse abilities.
Experiential and Outdoor Learning
Our geography is awe-inspiring, so what better way to inspire our young people and to cultivate the spirit of adventure than to provide opportunities for them to learn, play, and relax in the outdoors. Infusing learning into the outdoors and the outdoors into learning is a signature pedagogy of the District and the childcare centre. Centre programing includes regular use of a forested area and an outdoor classroom that are both located on the Nakusp Elementary School property. Local nature trails, parks and beaches, which will be accessed for off-site play and field experiences allowing the children to explore and engage with their local community, natural surroundings and to learn the ethics of respecting and caring for the place in which we live, work and play.
Indigenous Education
The practice of acknowledging the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Sinixt People and honouring their on-going presence on the land is a foundation of our Centre. We embed strongly rooted district practices of First Peoples Principles of Learning and Indigenous worldviews through culturally relevant programming enriched by the existing partnerships offered through the district. Indigenous world views and FPPL will be woven into our program through conversation, stories, and song and through continuing the collaborative partnerships that build capacity in understanding, promoting, and practicing sensitivity and respect for Indigenous culture, priorities and perspectives.
Family and Community Engagement
Family and community engagement and involvement is very important to our Centre. Genuine partnerships with families help to foster a child’s healthy development, are paramount to ensuring a child’s success and are beneficial to a family’s overall well-being. Our goal is to promote a family culture, making each family feel safe, valued and included. We achieve this through regular communication of child learning, parent-check ins, information gathering during registration and by creating opportunities for families to interact with children at the Centre. Educators make time to share, with the child’s permission, about their day. Family members are encouraged to come to the Centre for pre-arranged visits.
Community engagement will be cultivated by exploring our community, accessing local resources, and integrating children with their surroundings. With parent’s permission, children will be encouraged to interact with and enjoy the unique offerings in our community by going on walking field trips. They will have the opportunity to have fun while learning about the historical and cultural layers of our community in an age-appropriate, interactive and engaging ways.